Printing Westminster, London SW1
Posted: November 28, 2019 • Posted in: Company News, Printing London
As printers, paper is the main material we use. This is great as it’s one of the most sustainable products in the world. It’s biodegradable, it’s recyclable and it’s made from a renewable source. Despite this, we know that there is a carbon footprint associated with the creation and disposal of paper. At Kall Kwik St James’s we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, which is why we partake in carbon balancing and carbon capture programmes.
To offset the unavoidable carbon emissions involved in creating paper, the World Land Trust work to preserve ecologically important forests, which would be otherwise under imminent threat of clearance. Preserving these forests of trees ensure continued absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere, one of the fastest ways to check the global warming impacts of rising carbon dioxide levels.
Additionally, the preservation of important forests can protect threatened species. In the Khe Nuoc Trong forest in Vietnam alone, an area of international conservation importance, 41 threatened species have been protected by the work of the World Land Trust.
Our member no. CBP000502
Carbon capture is a similar scheme. We all know that trees make paper. But with carbon capture, paper makes trees, makes paper, makes trees, ad infinitum. The average amount of CO2 emitted during the manufacture and distribution of paper has been calculated and verified by the Woodland Trust using Carbon Trust and DEFRA figures. The equivalent amount of Carbon Dioxide is then captured through the planting of native woodland here in the UK by the Woodland Trust.
In addition to the environmental benefits, carbon capture also ensures the future safety of wildlife habitats, as well as establishing green spaces for relaxation and enjoyment.
Our member no. 19109900583
At Kall Kwik St James’s, we’re dedicated to demonstrating our commitment to the environment for ourselves and future generations. To do this, we have signed up to carbon balancing and carbon capture schemes with our main paper suppliers.
This means that 100% of our paper and board is either carbon balanced or carbon captured.
As woodland is the second-largest sink of carbon dioxide after oceans, these schemes will ensure any carbon emissions produced in the manufacture of our papers are neutralised. As well as helping us reduce our carbon footprint, our clients also get the benefits of using carbon neutral paper, allowing them to deliver against their own corporate social responsibilities.
The World Land Trust is a worldwide conservation charity, dedicated to protecting and managing the world’s natural ecosystems. The Carbon Balanced Programme offsets emissions through the purchase and preservation of high conservation value forests.
Sir David Attenborough, a patron of the trust said: “The money that is given to the World Land Trust, in my estimation, has more effect on the wild world than almost anything I can think of.”
To find out more about our commitments to reducing our carbon footprint, please contact us on (020) 7930 1976 or email [email protected].
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